NAWA scholarship for Kacper Staszel from the LARG group

Kacper Staszel has been awarded a NAWA scholarship for an internship abroad for the project “Use of AFM atomic force microscopy to study the transformation of (Ce,U,Th)PO4 monazite into Pb5(PO4)3Cl pyromorphite. The research will be conducted at Weber State University in Utah, USA, in collaboration with Dr. Marek Matyjasik, a scientist of Polish descent. The whole project is part of a larger research project PRELUDIUM BIS: “Low-temperature transformation of monazite (Ce,U,Th)PO4 into pyromorphite Pb5(PO4)3Cl – basic research for future technologies ” carried out as part of the applicant’s PhD. More than a dozen experiments are planned using different crystallographic faces of monazite and solutions of different concentrations and acidity.

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